SQL – Insert Query

To insert data into a table in SQL, you can use the INSERT INTO statement. Here is an example of how to insert data into a table named “employees”: SQL – Insert Query

INSERT INTO employees (id, name, age, salary)
VALUES (1, 'Surya singam', 30, 50000);

This example inserts a new row into the “employees” table with values for the “id”, “name”, “age”, and “salary” columns.

You can also insert multiple rows at once using the VALUES clause:

INSERT INTO employees (id, name, age, salary)
VALUES (1, 'Surya singam', 30, 50000),
       (2, 'Vasu Ganji', 25, 40000),
       (3, 'John Cena', 35, 55000);

You can also insert data into a table by selecting data from another table using the SELECT statement:

INSERT INTO employees (id, name, age, salary)
SELECT id, name, age, salary
FROM employees_backup;

This example copies all rows from the “employees_backup” table into the “employees” table.

You can also specify the columns to insert data into, if you don’t want to insert data into all columns of the table.

Please note that you need to have appropriate permissions to insert data into a table, otherwise you will get an error message.

Also, you need to ensure that the data you are inserting is compatible with the data types of the columns in the table, and that it meets any constraints, such as unique or primary key constraints.

It’s always a good practice to validate the data before inserting it into the table to ensure the data integrity.

Steps to follow before you insert data into table

There are several conditions that need to be met in order to insert data into a table in SQL:

  1. You must have the necessary permissions to insert data into the table.
  2. The table must exist in the database, otherwise you will get an error message.
  3. The number of columns in the INSERT INTO statement must match the number of columns in the table.
  4. The data types of the values being inserted must be compatible with the data types of the columns in the table.
  5. If the table has a primary key, you must insert unique values for the primary key columns.
  6. If the table has any unique constraints, you must insert unique values for the columns that are part of the unique constraints.
  7. If the table has any foreign key constraints, the values of the foreign key columns must match the primary key values of the referenced table.
  8. If the table has any check constraints, the values being inserted must satisfy the check constraints.
  9. If you are inserting data into a partitioned table, you must ensure that the partition scheme is compatible with the data type of the partitioned column.
  10. If you are inserting data into a table with a filegroup, you must ensure that the filegroup is compatible with the table.
  11. If you are inserting data into a table with a trigger, the trigger will be executed and the new inserted data will be affected by the trigger.
  12. If you are inserting data into a table with a identity column, the column will be automatically populated with the next value.

It’s always a good practice to validate the data before inserting it into the table to ensure the data integrity.

It is also important to consider the performance when inserting a large amount of data. You can use BULK INSERT statement or similar feature provided by your SQL server to insert a large amount of data efficiently.

SQL – Insert Query SQL – Insert Query