CSS important

In CSS important keyword  is use to override the previous property some times you need to override the property in CSS rather than changing, but this practice is not good.

It overwrites specificity and all other selectors, that’s the use of important. It overwrites all these things and therefore, this specific declaration would always be applied. We shouldn’t really use important. In most cases, it’s not a good idea to use it because we’re overwriting something thats backed into CSS, which quickly leads to bad code.

Syntax: CSS important

  element {
            color: yellow !important;


<!DOCTYPE html>

        body {
            background-color: black !important;
            text-align: center;
            background-color: blue;

        h3 {
            color: red;

        h3 {
            color: yellow !important;

    <h3>Welcome to fullstackadda.com</h3>



CSS !important

In the above example, we are applying the !important attribute to h3 heading and background-color of the body. Both are override other styles.

Example 2:

<!DOCTYPE html>

        #myid {
            color: black !important;

        #myid {
            color: red;

        .myclass {
            color: green !important;

        .myclass {
            color: blue;

        p {
            color: red !important;

        p {
            color: black;


    <p>Welcome to fullstackadda.com</p>

    <p class="myclass">Welcome to fullstackadda.com</p>

    <p id="myid">Welcome to fullstackadda.com</p>




CSS !important

Advantages :

The !important keyword is used in CSS to give a higher priority to a particular style rule than any other rule, including inline styles, classes, and tags. Here are some advantages of using the !important keyword:

  • Priority: The main advantage of using the !important keyword is that it gives a higher priority to a style rule than any other rule. This can be useful in situations where you need to override default styles, or when you want to make sure that a particular style is always applied to an element.
  • Flexibility: The !important keyword provides flexibility when it comes to modifying or updating styles. By using the !important keyword in a style rule, you can be sure that the rule will take precedence over any other rules applied to the same element, even if those rules are modified or updated in the future.
  • Specificity: The !important keyword has the highest level of specificity and overrides any other styles applied to the same element, regardless of their specificity. This means that you can use the !important keyword to apply a specific style to an element, even if that style conflicts with other styles that have been applied to the same element.
  • Debugging: The !important keyword can be useful when debugging CSS issues. By using the !important keyword to temporarily override styles, you can isolate and troubleshoot issues more easily.
  • Accessibility: The !important keyword can be used to ensure that styles are applied to elements for accessibility purposes. For example, you might use the !important keyword to override default styles and make sure that text is legible or that elements have sufficient contrast.
  • Consistency: The !important keyword can help maintain consistency across a codebase. By using the !important keyword consistently throughout your CSS, you can ensure that certain styles always take precedence, even if other styles are added or modified.
  • Organization: The !important keyword can be used to organize your CSS code. By using the !important keyword to group related styles together, you can make your code easier to read and maintain. For example, you might use the !important keyword to group styles that apply to a particular layout or component.
  • Using the !important keyword in CSS is that it can help simplify your code. By using the !important keyword to override specific styles, you can avoid the need to write complex CSS selectors or use inline styles to achieve the same effect. This can make your code more streamlined and easier to maintain.

CSS important CSS important

  1. !important keyword in CSS is use to override the previous property some times you need to override the property in CSS rather than changing, but this practice is not good.