HTML Entities

HTML entities are special characters or symbols that can be used in HTML and XML documents to display characters that have a special meaning or are not easily entered using a keyboard. They are used to represent characters that are not included in the standard ASCII character set and are often used to display characters such as the copyright symbol (©), the euro symbol (€), and the ampersand (&).

Entities are represented by a string of characters that begin with an ampersand (&) and end with a semicolon (;). For example, the entity for the copyright symbol is ©.



For example, to display the copyright symbol © in a webpage, you would use the following HTML code:

<p>Copyright &copy; 2022</p>

There are two types of HTML entities: named entities and numeric entities. Named entities are human-readable, such as &copy; for copyright, while numeric entities are represented by a specific number, such as &#169; for copyright.

HTML entities can be used in any HTML or XML document and are especially useful when working with languages that use special characters, such as accented letters or symbols. They are also useful when working with special characters that have a specific meaning in HTML, such as the < and > characters, which are used to create tags.

Examples of HTML entities

&nbsp; – non-breaking space

&lt; – less than sign

&gt; – greater than sign

&amp; – ampersand (&)

&quot; – double quotation mark

&apos; – single quotation mark

&cent; – cent sign

&pound; – pound sign

&yen; – yen sign

&euro; – euro sign

&copy; – copyright

&reg; – registered trademark

Latin characters

 &nbsp;&#160;\u00A0no-break space = non-breaking space
¡&iexcl;&#161;\u00A1inverted exclamation mark
¢&cent;&#162;\u00A2cent sign
£&pound;&#163;\u00A3pound sign
¤&curren;&#164;\u00A4currency sign
¥&yen;&#165;\u00A5yen sign = yuan sign
¦&brvbar;&#166;\u00A6broken bar = broken vertical bar
§&sect;&#167;\u00A7section sign
¨&uml;&#168;\u00A8diaeresis = spacing diaeresis
©&copy;&#169;\u00A9copyright sign
ª&ordf;&#170;\u00AAfeminine ordinal indicator
«&laquo;&#171;\u00ABleft-pointing double angle quotation mark = left pointing guillemet
¬&not;&#172;\u00ACnot sign
­&shy;&#173;\u00ADsoft hyphen = discretionary hyphen
®&reg;&#174;\u00AEregistered sign = registered trade mark sign
¯&macr;&#175;\u00AFmacron = spacing macron = overline = APL overbar
°&deg;&#176;\u00B0degree sign
±&plusmn;&#177;\u00B1plus-minus sign = plus-or-minus sign
²&sup2;&#178;\u00B2superscript two = superscript digit two = squared
³&sup3;&#179;\u00B3superscript three = superscript digit three = cubed
´&acute;&#180;\u00B4acute accent = spacing acute
µ&micro;&#181;\u00B5micro sign
&para;&#182;\u00B6pilcrow sign = paragraph sign
·&middot;&#183;\u00B7middle dot = Georgian comma = Greek middle dot
¸&cedil;&#184;\u00B8cedilla = spacing cedilla
¹&sup1;&#185;\u00B9superscript one = superscript digit one
º&ordm;&#186;\u00BAmasculine ordinal indicator
»&raquo;&#187;\u00BBright-pointing double angle quotation mark = right pointing guillemet
¼&frac14;&#188;\u00BCvulgar fraction one quarter = fraction one quarter
½&frac12;&#189;\u00BDvulgar fraction one half = fraction one half
¾&frac34;&#190;\u00BEvulgar fraction three quarters = fraction three quarters
¿&iquest;&#191;\u00BFinverted question mark = turned question mark
À&Agrave;&#192;\u00C0latin capital letter A with grave = latin capital letter A grave
Á&Aacute;&#193;\u00C1latin capital letter A with acute
Â&Acirc;&#194;\u00C2latin capital letter A with circumflex
Ã&Atilde;&#195;\u00C3latin capital letter A with tilde
Ä&Auml;&#196;\u00C4latin capital letter A with diaeresis
Å&Aring;&#197;\u00C5latin capital letter A with ring above = latin capital letter A ring
Æ&AElig;&#198;\u00C6latin capital letter AE = latin capital ligature AE
Ç&Ccedil;&#199;\u00C7latin capital letter C with cedilla
È&Egrave;&#200;\u00C8latin capital letter E with grave
É&Eacute;&#201;\u00C9latin capital letter E with acute
Ê&Ecirc;&#202;\u00CAlatin capital letter E with circumflex
Ë&Euml;&#203;\u00CBlatin capital letter E with diaeresis
Ì&Igrave;&#204;\u00CClatin capital letter I with grave
Í&Iacute;&#205;\u00CDlatin capital letter I with acute
Î&Icirc;&#206;\u00CElatin capital letter I with circumflex
Ï&Iuml;&#207;\u00CFlatin capital letter I with diaeresis
Ð&ETH;&#208;\u00D0latin capital letter ETH
Ñ&Ntilde;&#209;\u00D1latin capital letter N with tilde
Ò&Ograve;&#210;\u00D2latin capital letter O with grave
Ó&Oacute;&#211;\u00D3latin capital letter O with acute
Ô&Ocirc;&#212;\u00D4latin capital letter O with circumflex
Õ&Otilde;&#213;\u00D5latin capital letter O with tilde
Ö&Ouml;&#214;\u00D6latin capital letter O with diaeresis
×&times;&#215;\u00D7multiplication sign
Ø&Oslash;&#216;\u00D8latin capital letter O with stroke = latin capital letter O slash
Ù&Ugrave;&#217;\u00D9latin capital letter U with grave
Ú&Uacute;&#218;\u00DAlatin capital letter U with acute
Û&Ucirc;&#219;\u00DBlatin capital letter U with circumflex
Ü&Uuml;&#220;\u00DClatin capital letter U with diaeresis
Ý&Yacute;&#221;\u00DDlatin capital letter Y with acute
Þ&THORN;&#222;\u00DElatin capital letter THORN
ß&szlig;&#223;\u00DFlatin small letter sharp s = ess-zed
à&agrave;&#224;\u00E0latin small letter a with grave = latin small letter a grave
á&aacute;&#225;\u00E1latin small letter a with acute
â&acirc;&#226;\u00E2latin small letter a with circumflex
ã&atilde;&#227;\u00E3latin small letter a with tilde
ä&auml;&#228;\u00E4latin small letter a with diaeresis
å&aring;&#229;\u00E5latin small letter a with ring above = latin small letter a ring
æ&aelig;&#230;\u00E6latin small letter ae = latin small ligature ae
ç&ccedil;&#231;\u00E7latin small letter c with cedilla
è&egrave;&#232;\u00E8latin small letter e with grave
é&eacute;&#233;\u00E9latin small letter e with acute
ê&ecirc;&#234;\u00EAlatin small letter e with circumflex
ë&euml;&#235;\u00EBlatin small letter e with diaeresis
ì&igrave;&#236;\u00EClatin small letter i with grave
í&iacute;&#237;\u00EDlatin small letter i with acute
î&icirc;&#238;\u00EElatin small letter i with circumflex
ï&iuml;&#239;\u00EFlatin small letter i with diaeresis
ð&eth;&#240;\u00F0latin small letter eth
ñ&ntilde;&#241;\u00F1latin small letter n with tilde
ò&ograve;&#242;\u00F2latin small letter o with grave
ó&oacute;&#243;\u00F3latin small letter o with acute
ô&ocirc;&#244;\u00F4latin small letter o with circumflex
õ&otilde;&#245;\u00F5latin small letter o with tilde
ö&ouml;&#246;\u00F6latin small letter o with diaeresis
÷&divide;&#247;\u00F7division sign
ø&oslash;&#248;\u00F8latin small letter o with stroke
ù&ugrave;&#249;\u00F9latin small letter u with grave
ú&uacute;&#250;\u00FAlatin small letter u with acute
û&ucirc;&#251;\u00FBlatin small letter u with circumflex
ü&uuml;&#252;\u00FClatin small letter u with diaeresis
ý&yacute;&#253;\u00FDlatin small letter y with acute
þ&thorn;&#254;\u00FElatin small letter thorn
ÿ&yuml;&#255;\u00FFlatin small letter y with diaeresis

Symbols and Greek characters

ƒ&fnof;&#402;\u0192latin small f with hook = function = florin
Α&Alpha;&#913;\u0391greek capital letter alpha
Β&Beta;&#914;\u0392greek capital letter beta
Γ&Gamma;&#915;\u0393greek capital letter gamma
Δ&Delta;&#916;\u0394greek capital letter delta
Ε&Epsilon;&#917;\u0395greek capital letter epsilon
Ζ&Zeta;&#918;\u0396greek capital letter zeta
Η&Eta;&#919;\u0397greek capital letter eta
Θ&Theta;&#920;\u0398greek capital letter theta
Ι&Iota;&#921;\u0399greek capital letter iota
Κ&Kappa;&#922;\u039Agreek capital letter kappa
Λ&Lambda;&#923;\u039Bgreek capital letter lambda
Μ&Mu;&#924;\u039Cgreek capital letter mu
Ν&Nu;&#925;\u039Dgreek capital letter nu
Ξ&Xi;&#926;\u039Egreek capital letter xi
Ο&Omicron;&#927;\u039Fgreek capital letter omicron
Π&Pi;&#928;\u03A0greek capital letter pi
Ρ&Rho;&#929;\u03A1greek capital letter rho
Σ&Sigma;&#931;\u03A3greek capital letter sigma
Τ&Tau;&#932;\u03A4greek capital letter tau
Υ&Upsilon;&#933;\u03A5greek capital letter upsilon
Φ&Phi;&#934;\u03A6greek capital letter phi
Χ&Chi;&#935;\u03A7greek capital letter chi
Ψ&Psi;&#936;\u03A8greek capital letter psi
Ω&Omega;&#937;\u03A9greek capital letter omega
α&alpha;&#945;\u03B1greek small letter alpha
β&beta;&#946;\u03B2greek small letter beta
γ&gamma;&#947;\u03B3greek small letter gamma
δ&delta;&#948;\u03B4greek small letter delta
ε&epsilon;&#949;\u03B5greek small letter epsilon
ζ&zeta;&#950;\u03B6greek small letter zeta
η&eta;&#951;\u03B7greek small letter eta
θ&theta;&#952;\u03B8greek small letter theta
ι&iota;&#953;\u03B9greek small letter iota
κ&kappa;&#954;\u03BAgreek small letter kappa
λ&lambda;&#955;\u03BBgreek small letter lambda
μ&mu;&#956;\u03BCgreek small letter mu
ν&nu;&#957;\u03BDgreek small letter nu
ξ&xi;&#958;\u03BEgreek small letter xi
ο&omicron;&#959;\u03BFgreek small letter omicron
π&pi;&#960;\u03C0greek small letter pi
ρ&rho;&#961;\u03C1greek small letter rho
ς&sigmaf;&#962;\u03C2greek small letter final sigma
σ&sigma;&#963;\u03C3greek small letter sigma
τ&tau;&#964;\u03C4greek small letter tau
υ&upsilon;&#965;\u03C5greek small letter upsilon
φ&phi;&#966;\u03C6greek small letter phi
χ&chi;&#967;\u03C7greek small letter chi
ψ&psi;&#968;\u03C8greek small letter psi
ω&omega;&#969;\u03C9greek small letter omega
ϑ&thetasym;&#977;\u03D1greek small letter theta symbol
ϒ&upsih;&#978;\u03D2greek upsilon with hook symbol
ϖ&piv;&#982;\u03D6greek pi symbol
&bull;&#8226;\u2022bullet = black small circle
&hellip;&#8230;\u2026horizontal ellipsis = three dot leader
&prime;&#8242;\u2032prime = minutes = feet
&Prime;&#8243;\u2033double prime = seconds = inches
&oline;&#8254;\u203Eoverline = spacing overscore
&frasl;&#8260;\u2044fraction slash
&weierp;&#8472;\u2118script capital P = power set = Weierstrass p
&image;&#8465;\u2111blackletter capital I = imaginary part
&real;&#8476;\u211Cblackletter capital R = real part symbol
&trade;&#8482;\u2122trade mark sign
&alefsym;&#8501;\u2135alef symbol = first transfinite cardinal
&larr;&#8592;\u2190leftwards arrow
&uarr;&#8593;\u2191upwards arrow
&rarr;&#8594;\u2192rightwards arrow
&darr;&#8595;\u2193downwards arrow
&harr;&#8596;\u2194left right arrow
&crarr;&#8629;\u21B5downwards arrow with corner leftwards = carriage return
&lArr;&#8656;\u21D0leftwards double arrow
&uArr;&#8657;\u21D1upwards double arrow
&rArr;&#8658;\u21D2rightwards double arrow
&dArr;&#8659;\u21D3downwards double arrow
&hArr;&#8660;\u21D4left right double arrow
&forall;&#8704;\u2200for all
&part;&#8706;\u2202partial differential
&exist;&#8707;\u2203there exists
&empty;&#8709;\u2205empty set = null set = diameter
&nabla;&#8711;\u2207nabla = backward difference
&isin;&#8712;\u2208element of
&notin;&#8713;\u2209not an element of
&ni;&#8715;\u220Bcontains as member
&prod;&#8719;\u220Fn-ary product = product sign
&sum;&#8721;\u2211n-ary sumation
&minus;&#8722;\u2212minus sign
&lowast;&#8727;\u2217asterisk operator
&radic;&#8730;\u221Asquare root = radical sign
&prop;&#8733;\u221Dproportional to
&and;&#8743;\u2227logical and = wedge
&or;&#8744;\u2228logical or = vee
&cap;&#8745;\u2229intersection = cap
&cup;&#8746;\u222Aunion = cup
&sim;&#8764;\u223Ctilde operator = varies with = similar to
&cong;&#8773;\u2245approximately equal to
&asymp;&#8776;\u2248almost equal to = asymptotic to
&ne;&#8800;\u2260not equal to
&equiv;&#8801;\u2261identical to
&le;&#8804;\u2264less-than or equal to
&ge;&#8805;\u2265greater-than or equal to
&sub;&#8834;\u2282subset of
&sup;&#8835;\u2283superset of
&nsub;&#8836;\u2284not a subset of
&sube;&#8838;\u2286subset of or equal to
&supe;&#8839;\u2287superset of or equal to
&oplus;&#8853;\u2295circled plus = direct sum
&otimes;&#8855;\u2297circled times = vector product
&perp;&#8869;\u22A5up tack = orthogonal to = perpendicular
&sdot;&#8901;\u22C5dot operator
&lceil;&#8968;\u2308left ceiling = apl upstile
&rceil;&#8969;\u2309right ceiling
&lfloor;&#8970;\u230Aleft floor = apl downstile
&rfloor;&#8971;\u230Bright floor
&lang;&#9001;\u2329left-pointing angle bracket = bra
&rang;&#9002;\u232Aright-pointing angle bracket = ket
&spades;&#9824;\u2660black spade suit
&clubs;&#9827;\u2663black club suit = shamrock
&hearts;&#9829;\u2665black heart suit = valentine
&diams;&#9830;\u2666black diamond suit

Special characters

&quot;&#34;\u0022quotation mark = APL quote
<&lt;&#60;\u003Cless-than sign
>&gt;&#62;\u003Egreater-than sign
Œ&OElig;&#338;\u0152latin capital ligature OE
œ&oelig;&#339;\u0153latin small ligature oe
Š&Scaron;&#352;\u0160latin capital letter S with caron
š&scaron;&#353;\u0161latin small letter s with caron
Ÿ&Yuml;&#376;\u0178latin capital letter Y with diaeresis
ˆ&circ;&#710;\u02C6modifier letter circumflex accent
˜&tilde;&#732;\u02DCsmall tilde
&ensp;&#8194;\u2002en space
&emsp;&#8195;\u2003em space
&thinsp;&#8201;\u2009thin space
&zwnj;&#8204;\u200Czero width non-joiner
&zwj;&#8205;\u200Dzero width joiner
&lrm;&#8206;\u200Eleft-to-right mark
&rlm;&#8207;\u200Fright-to-left mark
&ndash;&#8211;\u2013en dash
&mdash;&#8212;\u2014em dash
&lsquo;&#8216;\u2018left single quotation mark
&rsquo;&#8217;\u2019right single quotation mark
&sbquo;&#8218;\u201Asingle low-9 quotation mark
&ldquo;&#8220;\u201Cleft double quotation mark
&rdquo;&#8221;\u201Dright double quotation mark
&bdquo;&#8222;\u201Edouble low-9 quotation mark
&Dagger;&#8225;\u2021double dagger
&permil;&#8240;\u2030per mille sign
&lsaquo;&#8249;\u2039single left-pointing angle quotation mark
&rsaquo;&#8250;\u203Asingle right-pointing angle quotation mark
&euro;&#8364;\u20ACeuro sign