Internal CSS

Styling your Web page is one of the main concept while creating a webpage. With the help of CSS we can style our HTML file in three ways they are External CSS , Internal CSS and Inline CSS . In this Blog we will learn about Internal styling.

Internal CSS is used within <style> tags for a single HTML page. It is defined inside the <head> tag of an HTML page, within a <style> tag element.

Example 1:

Using internal CSS for styling in HTML document.

<!DOCTYPE html>

        body {
            text-align: center;

        h1 {
            color: brown;

        p {
            color: white;
            font-size: 18px;
            background-color: black;

    <h1>Welcome to </h1>
    <p>Get job alerts Ever day.</p>



internal css

Example 2:

 Let’s use internal CSS for styling for <table> in HTML..

<!DOCTYPE html>

    <title>Inline CSS</title>
        td {
            border: 3px solid;
            background-color: yellow;

        th {
            border: 3px solid;
            background-color: lightblue;




Points to Remember:

  1. Internal CSS is used within <style> tags for a single HTML page.
  2. Use internal styling inside the <head> tag of an HTML page, within a <style> tag element.