ngFor Directive

The ngFor directive in Angular is a structural directive that allows you to loop over a list of items and apply a template to each item in the list. It works by iterating over an array of items and creating a new instance of a template for each item.

Here is an example of how you can use the ngFor directive in an Angular template:

  <li *ngFor="let item of items">
    {{ item }}

In the example above, the ngFor directive is used to iterate over the items array and render a list item element for each item in the array. The let keyword is used to declare a template variable that can be used to access the properties of each item in the loop.

You can use the ngFor directive whenever you want to render a list of items based on an array of data. It is similar to using a for loop in a programming language.

ngIF vs ngFor

The ngIf and ngFor directives are both structural directives in Angular, which means that they add or remove elements from the DOM based on a condition. However, they work in slightly different ways:

  • ngIf is used to add or remove a single element from the DOM based on a condition. It works by evaluating an expression and adding or removing the element based on the truthiness of the expression.
  • ngFor is used to loop over a list of items and apply a template to each item in the list. It works by iterating over an array of items and creating a new instance of a template for each item.

Here is an example that illustrates the difference between ngIf and ngFor:

<div *ngIf="showElement">
  This element will be displayed if showElement is truthy.

  <li *ngFor="let item of items">
    {{ item }}

In this example, the ngIf directive is used to conditionally render a single div element based on the value of showElement, while the ngFor directive is used to render a list of items based on the items array.

Overall, you should use ngIf when you want to add or remove a single element based on a condition, and use ngFor when you want to loop over a list of items and apply a template to each item.

There are several advantages to using the ngFor directive in Angular:

  1. It allows you to declaratively render a list of items based on an array of data, rather than manually building the list with a for loop or while loop. This can make your code more concise and easier to read.
  2. It allows you to easily access the properties of each item in the loop using a template variable, which can be used in the template to display the item’s data.
  3. It automatically updates the list of items when the underlying data array changes, using Angular’s change detection mechanism. This means that you don’t have to manually update the list when the data changes.
  4. It provides several built-in features that make it easy to customize the behavior of the loop, such as the ability to track items by a unique identifier, or to customize the loop iteration based on the index of the current item.

Overall, the ngFor directive can make it easier to work with lists of items in Angular templates, and can help to make your code more concise and maintainable.