Python Tutorial


What is Python ?

Python is a high-level, general-purpose programming language designed and developed by Guido Van Rossum. The name Python has its origin from Guido Van Rossum’s favourite television show “Monty Python’s Flying Circus”. It does not matter if you are new to programming or have been programming in other languages. Python is easy to learn and code..
Designed by: Guido van Rossum 
First appeared: 20 February 1991; 31 years ago
Filename extensions: .py,.pyi,.pyc,.pyd,.pyw,.pyz (since 3.5),.pyo (prior to 3.5)
Paradigm: Multi-paradigm: object-oriented, procedural (imperative), functional, structured, reflective.

Some things that Python is often used for are:

  • Web development
  • Game programming
  • Desktop GUIs
  • Scientific programming
  • Network programming.