SQL – Create Database

The process of creating a database in SQL depends on the specific SQL database management system (DBMS) you are using. Generally, you will need to use the SQL CREATE DATABASE command to create a new database. Here is an example of how to create a database using the SQL CREATE DATABASE.

CREATE DATABASE database_name;

This will create a new database with the name ‘database_name’. You can replace ‘database_name’ with the desired name for your database.

Once the database is created, you can then use the SQL USE command to select the new database as the active database:

USE database_name;

You can also use other SQL commands such as CREATE TABLE, INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE and DELETE to add, retrieve, modify, and remove data from the table.

Please note that the syntax of the CREATE DATABASE command may vary depending on the DBMS you are using, and some DBMS may have additional options or require different syntax. You may want to consult the documentation for your specific DBMS for more information on how to create a database.

STEPS to follow for creating new Database in SQL :

The steps to create a new database in SQL will vary depending on the specific SQL database management system (DBMS) you are using. However, generally, the process involves the following steps:

1. Connect to the SQL server: You will need to connect to the SQL server where you want to create the new database. This can typically be done using a command-line interface or a graphical user interface (GUI) tool provided by the DBMS.

2. Run the SQL CREATE DATABASE command: Once you are connected to the SQL server, you will need to run the SQL CREATE DATABASE command to create a new database. The syntax for this command may vary depending on the DBMS, but generally, it will look like this:

CREATE DATABASE database_name;

3. Choose the database: Once the database is created, you can use the SQL USE command to select the new database as the active database.

USE database_name;

4. Create Tables: After selecting the new database, you can create tables using the SQL CREATE TABLE command and specify the columns, data types, and constraints for each table.

CREATE TABLE table_name (
    column1 data_type constraint,
    column2 data_type constraint,

5. Insert data: Once the tables are created, you can use the SQL INSERT command to add data to the tables.

INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2, ...)
VALUES (value1, value2, ...);

6. Test the database: After creating tables and inserting data, you can use SQL SELECT command to retrieve data and verify that everything is working as expected.

SELECT * FROM table_name;